Resource and Referrals - Active Aging Senior Referrals
By phone or by appointment only. Register by calling (916) 617-5320.
HICAP Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy is assisting seniors virtually, in person and by phone. Have questions regarding Medicare? They offer free counseling.
You can now make an appointment to see a HICAP Representative.
Appointment are available within the Community Center on the Second and Fourth Tuesday of each month from 1 pm to 3 pm, must call HICAP at 916-376-8915 to make an appointment. No walk ins.
Paratransit Vouchers
By Appointment only. Register by calling (916) 617-5320. Yolo Adult Day Health Center (YADHC) has implemented a West Sacramento inclusive program that provides Yolobus Special vouchers to medically designated, disabled seniors who are 60+ and eligible, registered participants for YOLOBUS Special paratransit services. Funded by Area 4 Agency on Aging (A4AA), it is designed to encourage independent community mobility for disabled seniors who, due to a disability, are unable to travel to a boarding and disembarking location on fixed bus routes. For eligible candidates, limited vouchers are available from Active Aging Programs.
Legal Services of Northern California
Need legal advice and help? Legal Services of Northern California will offer limited free service to the senior community. Community Center appointments can be made for the First Tuesday of each month between 9 am to 11 am .
Please call the Community Center at 916-617-5320 to make an appointment.
Must make an appointment one week in advance. No walk ins.
You can also call Senior Legal Help at: 1 (530) 662-1065
Rental and Utility Assistance
Shores of Hope at (916)372-0200 or Yolo County Children’s Alliance at (916)572-0560.
A new State Program is available to offer rental / utility assistance. Short term rental assistance. Must qualify to receive assistance. Call for details.
Food Assistance
Yolo County Food Bank 1 530-668-0690, or call 2-1-1
Need a new smoke and carbon monoxide detector?
If you haven’t picked one up last year (2023) and would like one, please stop by the Community Center. We still have a few left.
You will need to sign a waiver and the installation of the smoke detector is your responsibility.
If you need help paying for your gas/electric/fuel bill, you can apply for the HEAP Program. You can access the application on their website:
Help may be obtained by calling the toll free number at 1-800-233-4480. You may leave your full name, mailing address, home phone number, and daytime phone number and an application will be mailed to you within 2-3 business days or make an appointment at the Community Center by calling (916) 617-5320 and we can help you out with the application.
Meals on Wheels
Meals on Wheels Yolo County continues to serve West Sacramento seniors’ meals. Come
mingle and dine for free every Wednesday from 11 am to 12 pm at the Community Center. Call
Meals on Wheels at 530-662-7035 to sign up and RSVP. Must call in advance to reserve your
seat. Meals on Wheels comes to your home courtesy of volunteer drivers. Call to see if you
qualify for home delivery.
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) volunteers provide FREE Income Tax Preparation
Assistance to low-income, elderly, disabled and limited English speaking people. Please
contact Yolo County Children's Alliance at (916) 572-0560 to make an appointment
West Sacramento On-Demand makes getting around easy and affordable. Create an
account by downloading the Via Rideshare App on any compatible Smartphone or Tablet or
call Via Customer Support to assist you with your account creation. Once your account is
created, book a ride using the Smartphone App OR by calling the Via Customer Support
Line. Need help downloading and setting up your account using the app? Please call the
Community Development Department at 916-617-5043 and a city representative will be able
to assist you. You can also obtain a discount code for seniors and disabled riders. Standard
fares are just $3.50 one-way, or $1.75 for seniors and disabled riders.
For customer service support or to book a ride, call VIA at (916) 318-5101.
Still have questions? Visit
Eyes of Hope
VSP® Eyes of Hope® gift certificates provide adults and children in need with access to eye care and new
glasses at no cost through a VSP network doctor in their community.
Gift certificates are available to those who qualify. Please call 916-617-5320 for more information.
Who’s Eligible:
Individuals of any age.
Family income at or under 200% of Federal Poverty Level guidelines.
No coverage through a private insurer or government program for services covered by the gift certificate.
Haven't received care through a VSP program during the last 12 months.
Yolo county library--books by mail
Books by Mail is a free service from the Yolo County Library that brings library materials to you
through the mail on a long-term or short-term basis. It is a free service available to any resident who
has a disability, illness or lack of transportation that prevents access to a Yolo County Library
Please contact Yolo County Library at 530-757-5588 for more info.
Save the Date!
Friday, May 16, 10 am to 12:30 pm.
Mark your calendar. The annual Senior Resource Fair is coming!
Meet local, city, state and nonprofit organizations and gather
vital information. Don’t miss out on this event!
Mondays, February 3, 10, 24, March 3, 11 am to 12 pm
Brought to you by Agency on Aging Area 4's CalFresh Healthy Living series.
Cooking Matters in your community is a food demonstration nutrition education
series that empowers participants with the skills to stretch their food budgets in
order to maintain healthy eating at home. In each session, the participants will
enjoy fun and interactive group activities, along with delicious food from the
live cooking demonstrations.
Wednesday, March 5, 10:30 am to 12 pm
No cost, open to everyone
Join us for coffee, pastries and conversation with West Sac PD!
Tuesday, March 18, 1 pm to 2:30 pm
Areil from CalFresh is back for another informative workshop. We will learn
how to evaluate health benefits according where food is on the processing
spectrum. Learn how to make healthier meals by swapping out processed food
ingredients for healthier ingredients. Enjoy free recipe sample at the end of the
Mondays, April 7, 14, 21, 28, 11 am to 12 pm
Brought to you by Agency on Aging Area 4's CalFresh Healthy Living series.
The Eat Smart, Live Strong is a four-series workshop designed to encourage
older adults to increase their fruit and vegetable consumption to at least 3 ½
cups (1 ½ cup fruit and 2 cups vegetables) and to participate in at least 30
minutes of physical activity each day.
Save the Date!
Friday, May 16, 10 am to 12:30 pm.
Mark your calendar. The annual Senior Resource Fair is coming!
Meet local, city, state and nonprofit organizations and gather
vital information. Don’t miss out on this event!